Morton Bakar Center Celebrated Social Work Month

March is social work month! According to the National Association of Social Workers, this year’s celebration theme was Social Work Breaks Barriers.
Morton Bakar Center held an event every Friday in March to celebrate their social workers. They incorporated elements of mindfulness, gratitude, team bonding, fun, and of course, good food!
On Friday, March 3, the social workers’ team decorated sugar cookies together and then gifted the cookies to coworkers as a thank you for being so supportive.
On Friday, March 10, the team wrote thank you cards to each other, expressing their gratitude for their social services coworkers.
On Friday, March 17, the team enjoyed a lunch outing at one of their favorite local restaurants and wore green for St. Patrick’s Day.
On Friday, March 24, the team hosted a traditional Morton Bakar Center potluck, with everyone bringing a dish to share.
On Friday, March 31, as the grand finale, the team was given a series of six challenges to successfully survive social work month as superheroes. They all succeeded and celebrated with a superhero parade through the hallways with staff and residents.
Did your team celebrate social work month? Let us know at!