Your Life Experiences
are Your Superpower
If making a difference is your mission, you belong at Telecare.
Since 1965, Telecare has focused on serving people with serious mental illness and complex needs. It’s challenging work, but it is also our life’s work. And in these difficult times, it is needed more than ever.
We believe that recovery is not only possible, it is probable. We work to create a treatment environment and a workplace culture where recovery can thrive.
Passionate people with diverse life experiences are critical to our work. Your life experiences help you to connect and support people with kindness, compassion, humility, and humanity. And at the end of the day, these are some of the things that matter most.
We hope you consider bringing YOUR superpower to Telecare!
Nick Saracho, an LPT at Telecare, serves from a place of love for others driven by his personal experiences. Those experiences include substance abuse, homelessness, and mental health challenges. One evening, Nick spent hours talking to a gentleman at a bus stop in Los Angeles. Their conversation included Nick telling his personal story and helping that man feel a little bit better about what he was going through at the time. That was the moment Nick decided he had a future in mental healthcare. Now, he’s happy, healthy, and driven to make a difference. Nick’s superpower is sincerity. What’s yours?
As a psychologist, you might be interested in a variety of jobs at Telecare!
Clinical Leadership
Social Services
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