Celebrating Diwali At Telecare South Bay ICT

Celebrating Diwali At Telecare South Bay ICT

Diwali is known around the world as the festival of lights. Over one billion of the world’s citizens are recognizing this week through celebrations, connection, meditation, and observing the lighting of the diyas. Four different cultures celebrate Diwali as a way of signifying the victory of light and justice over prejudice and pain. The literal meaning of Diwali is “lights in a row” and it’s a symbolic representation of truth, happiness, prosperity, justice, and knowledge.

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RCCS Tidbit Of The Month: Empathy

RCCS Tidbit Of The Month: Empathy

In meeting with and listening to staff, clients, and members, we hear that many individuals at Telecare programs seem to be alone in life. Making and building strong, supportive connections takes time. Past hurts and trauma can make it hard for clients and members to engage and trust others. Individuals need to re-learn skills and practice. In the video to the right, one Telecare HOMES member illustrates the power of connection through their story.

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RCCS Tidbit Of The Month: Past Friends

RCCS Tidbit Of The Month: Past Friends

In meeting with and listening to staff, clients, and members, we hear that many individuals at Telecare programs seem to be alone in life. Making and building strong, supportive connections takes time. Past hurts and trauma can make it hard for clients and members to engage and trust others. Individuals need to re-learn skills and practice. In the video to the right, one Telecare HOMES member illustrates the power of connection through their story.

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Watch Some Of Telecare’s Peer Professionals Share Their Story For Orange County’s Annual Meeting Of The Minds Conference

Watch Some Of Telecare’s Peer Professionals Share Their Story For Orange County’s Annual Meeting Of The Minds Conference

In June, some of Telecare’s Orange County peer professionals came together to share their recovery journey during a panel workshop titled Resilience & Recovery: PTSD, Grief, and Loss. Watch the workshop inside this post!

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RCCS Tidbit Of The Month: Recovery-Oriented Language

RCCS Tidbit Of The Month: Recovery-Oriented Language

Do you remember when you were growing up being taught the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? We were taught that so we could remain strong when we were bullied or disrespected by others. However, you might also remember that while you weren’t physically harmed by another person’s words, their hurtful language left an invisible wound that sometimes took longer to heal than a physical wound might have.

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