Setting Realistic Expectations


If you are sheltering-in-place or otherwise quarantined at home, do not be too hard on yourself! You have probably seen all kinds of suggestions for how to use this time for self-improvement, learning a new hobby, or being hyper-productive.

Do not forget that this pandemic is a crisis. It is OK to be struggling. Many of us are. Have compassion for yourself and give yourself permission to be a little less than perfect.

It’s OK if this week you:

  • Were in sweats every day of the week

  • Weren’t able to keep focus

  • Didn’t get a workout in

  • Weren’t able to talk about your feelings

  • Weren’t productive

  • Didn’t stick to a schedule

Navigating through a crisis is difficult. Be gentle on yourself.

What are some realistic goals you might set for yourself? What are some very small things you are already doing well? What advice would you give to someone else who was going through the same challenges you are?