Self-Care Tip: Managing Weight Gain


Gained Weight Since the Pandemic?

Gained Weight Since the Pandemic?

"People's habits have changed quite a bit since we’re spending more time at home," says Dr. Donald Hensrud, medical director of Mayo Clinic's Healthy Living Program. These changes in habits can lead to health and medical issues later on.

What’s Changed?

There are several reasons why we might be at risk for weight gain through our habits that have changed, both in burning activity and in consuming more calories.

Change in Movement
Many of us miss having low-level activity throughout the day as we spend more time at home, and that low-level activity may be causing us to burn fewer overall calories.

Consuming More Calories
We may be consuming more calories. Many people are stocking up frozen foods and processed foods that have a long shelf life. Many times, those foods are higher in calories and less healthy. On the flip side, for example, fruits and vegetables do not last as long, so we may be consuming less of them.

Why Weight Gain Matters

  • The more weight we gain and the longer it is maintained, the more it affects our health.

  • It is more important for some people than others. For example, a modest amount of weight gain in those who have diabetes or high blood pressure can result in increased blood glucose or blood pressure.

Establish New Habits

  • With all habits, it takes time to establish them as we are getting accustomed to this new normal.

  • Establish new healthy habits now. Be proactive about this and that will make it easier in the long term.

  • Break out of your comfort zone. Instead of giving in to large amounts of comfort food, this can be an opportunity to take foods that we may not think of as healthy — you can make meals like burritos or pizza with healthier ingredient substitutions.

  • Invest some time. You can make healthier eating options when you plan out your meals versus grabbing something at the last moment.

  • Try and raise your culinary skills and do a little bit more cooking.

  • Look for opportunities to establish new healthy routines.

Eating healthy and eating well does not have to be drudgery. It can and should be an enjoyable way to live. And if we can do that, then we can better manage our weight and our overall health during this pandemic.

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