Morton Bakar Center Celebrates National Nursing Home Week

Happy National Nursing Home Week from Morton Bakar Center! This year’s theme, "Together Through the Seasons," had a lot of personal meaning to it. After a long and difficult year through the seasons together, it was time for a celebration and acknowledgment of everyone.

Each day was hosted by a neighborhood team, themed with a particular season, and featured fun attire, décor, activities, and food.

  • Monday/Lake Tahoe Team: Winter/PJ Day

  • Tuesday/Golden Gate Team: Summer Luau Day

  • Wednesday/Hayward Spring Team: Spring Picnic Day

  • Thursday/Yosemite Team: Autumn Adventure Day

  • Friday/Management Team: Cultural Identity Day

In addition to getting staff new shirts, the team at MBC participated in cleansing rituals including writing down (and shredding) things to let go of from the past year, gifting flowers to coworkers who were supportive during the difficult times, and planting four new fruit trees to represent rebuilding and moving forward into a new year of energy, health, and life.