ATLAS/TABS/AOT/FOT Graduation Celebration
/It was a red carpet affair for members who graduated from the ATLAS/TABS/AOT/FOT program on Thursday, May 26. Members and their families enjoyed a luncheon at the Centre in Lakewood, CA.
“The graduation luncheon signifies an end of an era and the beginning of a new one in the member's journey,” said Natalie Reinfeld, ATLAS/TABS/AOT/FOT Administrator. “We like to think of it as a celebration, but also as a ‘rite of passage’ for our members who, in their own lives, might not have had the opportunity to partake in such events.”
The 63 members who were honored at the ceremony got to walk the red carpet and add their own star to the walk of fame, and received awards for: "Power over Substance," "Making Choices,” "Exploring Identity," "Awakening Hope," "Making Connections," and "Wellecare."
Way to go 2016 grads!!!