Pay for Success
In 2017, Telecare opened the nation's first mental health Pay for Success (PFS) program in Santa Clara County, California, called Partners in Wellness. The innovative, six-year, performance-based contract to deliver publicly-funded services provides incentives for achieving outcomes, is rigorously evaluated and data-driven, and helps bridge gaps and foster collaboration within systems of care. The goal is to reduce clients' use of psychiatric hospitals, psychiatric emergency services, state hospitals, and other high-cost mental health services while also ensuring each client’s whole-person wellness.
Presentations & Information
PFS Model
What are the practical benefits of our PFS program for hospitals?
Conserve resources for other community needs
Move people out of ERs to appropriate levels of care
Reduce disruption in waiting rooms, ERs, etc.
How does PFS address larger system of care challenges?
What are the goals of PFS in behavioral health?
Connect public and private sectors
Jump-start innovation
Increase rigor in social services
Our PFS Program
Our Clinical Services
Typical PFS Partner
We See It All: Complex Needs
Mental health (psychosis, mania, depression, anxiety…)
Active substance use
Physical health (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia…)
Complex life needs (unhoused, not working, isolated, history
of violence)
Meet Enrollment Criteria
SMI (severe mental health diagnosis)
Life needs can be met
Randomized In/Out
Partners in Wellness
Control group
Latest PFS News at Telecare
Telecare Partners in Wellness Open House
Partners share what TPW has meant to them.
Telecare's PFS Leaders
Laura Wolff, Regional Director of Operations
Shannon Mong, Director of Innovation, healthcare strategist
Faith Richie, Senior VP for Development