Justice Involved Mental Health
Telecare offers a variety of services for individuals with mental illness and criminal justice histories. From our programs with community-based wraparound services, to those with secure inpatient environments, our comprehensive and holistic approach to recovery in every one is focused on providing the tools for individuals to leave incarceration and return to the community in a more structured, supported way.
Product Types & Approaches
Telecare JIMH Brochures & Information
Product Types Adapted to JIMH Population at Telecare
Specialized Approaches in Use or Pilot
Latest Telecare JIMH News
Telecare JIMH Programs by Issue
Case Management
Telecare Reentry Intensive Program (TRIP) (Mental health case management and housing support services)
Los Angeles TABS109 (Serves individuals with SMI being released from prison under AB109)
San Diego Post-Release Outpatient Program Services (PROPS) (Serves individuals with SMI being released from prison under AB109)
San Mateo Transitions (Serves 22 individuals with SMI being released from prison under AB109)
Ventura Opportunities for Integrating into the Community
Environment (VOICE) (Serves individuals with SMI being released from
prison under AB109)
Early Intervention
In Home Outreach Teams (IHOT) (Alternative to Laura's Law in San Diego, CA. Works in conjunction with Telecare's San Diego AOT program)
In-Jail Services
Santa Rita Jail Project (On-site forensic mental health program)
Laura's Law/Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)
Orange County AOT (Laura's Law, Telecare's first AOT program)
JETT (Laura's Law, Mentally Incompetent to Stand Trial (MIST), and Forensic Full-Service Partnership (FSP) teams, co-located with ATLAS and TABS)
LA Step-Down (Laura's Law, MIST)
San Diego AOT (Laura's Law, San Diego County's first AOT program and
works in conjunction with IHOT)Alameda AOT/ Community Conservatorship (CC) (Laura's Law, Alameda County's first AOT program. Conservatorship program receives referrals from John George Psychiatric Pavilion)
CORE San Bernardino (Forensic program for parolees with SMI)
JAMHR (FSP, case management)
Orange County Court Collaborative Whatever It Takes (WIT) (Works with the Orange County court system)
Orange County STEPS (Full Service Partnership program, that works with residential/locked facilities and mental health court treatment staff)
San Bernardino FACT (Forensic Assertive Community Treatment program)
San Diego Mental Health Collaborative Court (Community integration service for parolees)
San Joaquin Connect II (Justice-Involved Full Service Partnership)
Ventura Innovative Services Telecare ACT (VISTA) (Forensic ACT program & community integration services)
Vida ACT (Community reintegration)
Residential Substance Use Treatment & Crisis Residential Treatment
Muriel Wright CRT (Crisis residential treatment, diversion services)
Muriel Wright SUTS (Substance use treatment for individuals transitioning out of jail)
State Hospital Step-Down:
Recovery Center at Woodburn (Secure residential treatment facility for consumers convicted of a felony)
Deschutes Recovery Center (Secure residential treatment facility for consumers convicted of a felony)
Telecare JIMH Programs by Funding Source
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
AOT/Laura's Law
Mental Health Services Act (MHSA)
Advocacy & Associations
San Diego Mental Health Collaborative Court
Orange County AOT
Judge Gerald Johnston Talks about Telecare's AOT Program in his community
Learn how the San Diego Mental Health Collaborative Court program aims to stop recidivism and help repeat offenders become productive members of society.
Telecare's JIMH Leaders
If you are interested in learning more about Telecare's JIMH services or scheduling a tour of the various program types,
please contact Faith Richie, SVP of Development.